Friday 2 May 2008

Learning About Fishing and Trout?

Trout is a popular type of fish for anglers of all ages. There are many different types of trout including rainbow trout, brook trout, and brown trout. Trout fishing is very popular and can be a relaxing sport. You can find many trout recipes on the Internet to help you cook up your days catch!

Rainbow trout have dark backs, reddish-pink side bands and black speckles. The best times to catch these trout are in the spring and fall, after the salmon runs. These fish are big eaters, and can reach sizes of up to 42 pounds! Fishers use all different types of bait, lures, and flies to catch them. Some say that bright colors attract more fish. These trout can be found throughout the United States and are popular among fly fisherman.

Brook trout are native to eastern United States and Canada. They have a dark colored body with red and white spots inside blue circles. Their fins are often orange with black and white edges. They grow to a maximum length of 18 inches. Brook trout eat small insects and small invertebrates. These fish require clean, clear, and cold streams in order to thrive.

Brown trout have large black and reddish-orange spots. These fish grow quickly and may live up to six years. They grow to be about eight to ten pounds. They can be found in near shore waters where waters are 55 to 65 degrees. Fishing for brown trout is similar to fishing for rainbow trout.
Whatever trout fishing you prefer and enjoy, trout recipes are easy to come by. Try searching the Internet for great recipes. There are many great resources available. Or, you may choose to search the library for books on trout recipes. You will find many types of recipes for all types of trout.

Trout fishing can be a great sport. Knowing what type of trout you are fishing for and where they can be found, how they act, and what types of equipment to use to catch them, is important in order to be successful. Researching this information through the library and Internet will provide you with invaluable information to make your experience a success.

About the author:

Mike Yeager